Monday, 21 February 2011

Chelsea Bun...Gone to her Master

I had Chelsea put to sleep on Friday.
In many ways I think it was too soon. But in others it wasn't. When an animal is on a gentle but steady decline where do you draw the line? Different people do it at different times. I'm full of guilt.
It was very peaceful and she fell asleep in my arms after being sedated (*always* have your pet sedated before the final injection, it makes it better for animal and owner) and then slipped away. I had her cremated and her ashes are with her Master's ashes and our other little dog, Amber. I told her she was going to stay with her Master...I hadn't said that word since Ronnie died because I used to say "where's Master?" and she'd go potty looking for him.
I'm devestated.
Chelsea Bun you were a one off. You were loyal and true and determined. You were loving and funny and the best of friends. There will never be another Chelsea Bun. I cannot wait to see you again, and until then I take great solace from knowing that you and Amber and your Master are all together again. I love you all.

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